Sunday school and Vacation Bible School are centered around active learning about Biblical principles and stories related to the lives of our children. they put their faith into action with activities like a yearly trip to purchase items for the Jones County Food Bank and actively participate in our church services through the Children's Sermon, holiday programs, noisy can offerings, and other worship opportunities.
2023 Confirmation Class
Pastor Rodger Good, Ty DeSotel, Khloe Anselmo-Easterly, Nichelle Kirby, Holly Kelly
Worship is an important part of Christian development. Our kids take part in children's worship every service.
Children participate in the service by lighting the candles.
Our kids put on an amazing Christmas program every year!
We have some pretty AWESOME kids in our church!! Above are the kids chalked the walk to give everyone a bright welcome for Sunday Worship!
The Sunday school children took up an offering the last Sunday of the month in an effort to help out our local food pantry. They added their Sunday offerings to the total and went shopping for the food pantry! They raised $354.00! The left over money was donated to the food pantry!
Our older youth find many ways to serve our church, our local community, and those in need farther from home. They help with events like soup suppers, Hanging of the Greens, special worship services, community activities, contributing to worldwide charities, as well as mission trips to other states. Their fundraisers like selling pumpkins at Pumpkinfest and the cookie sales at the Tree Walk have funded their missions and activities. We value their contributions immensely.
Our last mission trip to Rockford, Ohio. Lots of work completed and fun was had by all!
Planting pumpkins and baking cookies....LOTS of cookies, to raise money for our mission trips. Supporting a child in India to make his life better, raising money to feed starving children. We try to put our faith into practice. We resolve to practice joy! What do you practice? Click below for some great inspiration: